Hi, I’m Jessica

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Paris Travel Guide

Paris Travel Guide


Saved my favorite place for last on our amazing European vacation, Paris.

I had been to Paris almost two years ago and had been itching to go back ever since. I was ecstatic when we decided to add this to our trip. Amazing food, pastries, shopping and sights, what’s not to love? We had an incredible four days.



For a first time visit, you have to hit the major tourist attractions. Check out the Musée d’Orsay and Louvre for beautiful artwork, architecture and of course a look at the famous Mona Lisa. When you’re done at the Louvre, walk across the street to the Palais Royal for the incredibly photogenic courtyard. Grab some pastries and wine and head to the Eiffel Tower at night to see the breathtaking light show. It’s something I could never get sick of seeing. Be sure to come back during the day for a trip to the top for a panoramic view of the city. This trip, we went to Versailles for a day and that is a must do. There is so much to see, and the hall of mirrors is legendary for a reason, wow. Outside of the palace are the gardens which are so magnificent. We spent the entire day exploring the grounds, our feet were incredibly tired but well worth it. Take a walk down Champs Élysées for shopping and macarons and end the walk with a trip to the top of the Arc de Triomphe.



You can’t go wrong with any food in Paris. You must stop for macarons at Lauderée (we went twice), they’re phenomenal. Stop at a local bakery for fresh baked croissants in the morning to fuel up before a long day exploring. Be sure to grab some crepes while you’re out as well. If you’ve seen the viral videos of Paris’ famous aligot, which is cheesy mashed potatoes, stop at the restaurant l’Aligot restaurant.


There are so many great districts in Paris, you can’t go wrong when choosing where to stay. Just make sure that it’s close to a train station to make traveling around the city earlier.

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