Hi, I’m Jessica

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my daily style and inspiration. Enjoy!

Not Going on Vacation? Here's a Few Things to Do Instead

Not Going on Vacation? Here's a Few Things to Do Instead

Sometimes you just can’t fit a vacation into your schedule.

There have been plenty of times where friends and family are going on vacations that I just can’t seem to fit into my schedule. But that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying your days off.

Road Trip

This could be as long as a drive to stay in another state, or as short as going to a beautiful park or hike a few miles away. Either way, head somewhere you don’t go everyday and create your own mini-vacation.


Pick out your favorite movies, grab your favorite books and set up all your other favorite ‘at-home’ activities and just stay in. How often do you do everything from home? I know that I always have intentions of staying home and doing nothing but then feel like I need to get outside and moving. Sometimes it’s nice to sit and relax at home.

Spa Day

So you may not be able to fit in a whole vacation, but that doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself a little bit. Get a fresh mani-pedi or a refreshing facial and you’ll feel good as new.

Food Tour

Make a list of places in your area you’ve been dying to try and pick out a couple to try that day. Head with friends or family and create your own restaurant tour.

Croatia Travel Guide

Croatia Travel Guide

Weekend Ready

Weekend Ready