Hi, I’m Jessica

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my daily style and inspiration. Enjoy!

1 Year Anniversary

1 Year Anniversary


One year ago I took the biggest leap of faith by starting this blog.

I knew that it was going to be a longgg road to build it up to what I wanted it to be. For a long time, that scared me. It held me back from launching it for quite a while but eventually my passion for it overpowered my fears and I finally took the plunge and did it and I couldn't be happier! It is my creative outlet and I genuinely look forward to each aspect of curating and maintaining it. Here’s a few of my favorite photos of the last year and some of the greatest things I’ve learned throughout this process.


“People are going to stare, make it worth their while”

I’d heard this saying a while back and it is something I’ve tried to keep with me. One of the biggest obstacles for me before starting this was that I knew I wanted to start a fashion oriented blog, but I was so camera shy. I slowly realized that either a) people were not paying attention at al to the girl getting her picture taken alone or b) it may be something they’d see and judge for a millisecond, but it was not something they were going to remember in a week let alone in another hour. But it is something I enjoy, so that’s much more important!


Setting A Deadline is Important

At first I was just writing what I wanted when I wanted, and that was fun but I also realized that was a sustainable way to make this work. I needed to make plans of what I wanted to write and when I wanted to have it done by. Like having gift guides ready well before Christmas instead of that week so people can actually use them. I started setting deadlines in my phone and it has changed the way I write for the better!


What are you excited to see in the year to come?

Pretty Boards to Impress During the Holidays

Pretty Boards to Impress During the Holidays

Kickstart Your 2020 Health Goals

Kickstart Your 2020 Health Goals