Hi, I’m Jessica

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my daily style and inspiration. Enjoy!

Kickstart Your 2020 Health Goals

Kickstart Your 2020 Health Goals


We are just a month away from the New Year, and the most popular resolutions made include dieting and exercising.

But why wait?! You don’t have to wait for the start of the New Year to kickstart your health goals. Here are some easy ways to start implementing your healthier lifestyle now.

1. Join a Workout Class

If you’re someone who is intimidated by the gym, start by joining a group fitness class. This allows you to get your toes wet in the fitness world by having a professional show you exactly what to do instead of walking through all of the intimidating machines on your own and getting discouraged. My favorite classes to take are spin class and pilates.

2. Slowly Start Adjusting Your Diet

Let’s be honest, eating healthy during the holidays can be such a challenge. No one should feel restricted from all of the delicious Christmas cookies and treats. I like to try to eat healthier in the weeks leading up to Christmas so I don’t feel guilty about having a treat or two…or three on Christmas. Try replacing your snacks like crackers and chips with fruits and veggies or substitute seltzer for soda. Make small changes so it starts getting easier to reach your goals in the New Year.

3. Get More Sleep

This is one that is much easier said than done for me, I am horrible about going to bed early. But this is one thing I really want to work on in the New Year. Sleep affects every aspect of your life. If you don’t get enough sleep, it makes it much harder to achieve those fitness goals. Try going to bed just 15 minutes earlier each week and work towards going to bed at your ideal time!

4. Make Time for Yourself

As I said, the most popular New Years Resolutions include dieting and exercising. But you can’t expect your health to change if you are constantly stressed and unhappy. There have been a lot of studies linking stress and weight gain, and it makes perfect sense! So take time for yourself, give yourself a personal day, and crush those goals!

What’s your New Years resolution going to be?

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