Hi, I’m Jessica

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my daily style and inspiration. Enjoy!

Weekend Away

Weekend Away


Recharged and relaxed after my favorite weekend of the year.

Like I said before, we have been coming to this house in the Adirondacks with friends and family since I was 7 years old. I have made so many amazing memories here and look forward each year to making more. I make it a point to wake up for the sunrise once every year and it never ceases to amaze me. The absolute quiet and still at this time is like nothing else.

This was the second year that I have been living by the City and it has made me appreciate this weekend that much more. I love the city and the energy, but I never realize how much I miss upstate until I am making the drive to the Adirondacks and I see the the changing leaves and get to kayak on the little pond and truly enjoy the outdoors.

Enjoy some extra unpublished pictures from my weekend away.

NYC Date Night

NYC Date Night

What I'm Packing For a Weekend in the Adirondacks

What I'm Packing For a Weekend in the Adirondacks