Hi, I’m Jessica

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Road Trip {2021}

Road Trip {2021}

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While 2020 was filled with some amazing milestones for me, getting engaged and getting our puppy, I think we can all agree that it was a tough year.

Selfishly, one of the hardest parts for me was making the decision to postpone our wedding. When we got engaged, people were postponing their 2020 weddings and I (naively) thought, thank god our wedding is in a year and we won’t have to deal with the. Boy was I wrong! But like with all bad things, we tried to find the silver linings, which brought us to plan this amazing road trip out West.

We love a good adventure, and I had been on two RV trips as a kid so the decision to do this was an easy one. we planned multiple different options and finally narrowed it down to our 10 day itinerary we ended up with. Take this as your sign to do an RV vacation, you won’t regret it!

Day 1: Vegas

Since this was our ‘faux honeymoon’ in place of our wedding day this year, we decided to treat ourselves a bit. We stayed at Caesar’s Palace and loved it! We were able to enjoy so much of it with the pools and casinos and even still felt like we could have been there a week and not seen all it had to offer! We also made a reservation at Hell’s Kitchen—we are huge Hell’s Kitchen fans and have eaten at Gordan Ramsay restaurants before so we couldn’t miss this. It was incredible and I’d go back ten more times if I could.


Day 2/3/4: Zion National Park

We picked up our RV from El Monte Rv rental and made our way to Zion National Park. This was our favorite park (though it’s so hard to choose). We hiked the Emerald Pools, Kolab Canyon and Narrows trails, but if you are going in the summer be sure to go early in the morning to try and beat the heat. {Pro Tip: the line for the shuttle one morning was already a 5 hour wait, we rented e-bikes and biked to the trail to beat the wait. So much quicker and way more fun than a hot shuttle ride anyway!} We booked a private sunset jeep tour as well, there is just so much of Zion to see. Doing a driving tour gave you a whole new perspective on the area versus hiking through it.

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Day 5: Bryce Canyon

Bryce Canyon was a close second—okay maybe they’re tied! It is so different than any other canyon or park we were in. It’s structure is so unique. We did the Navajoo Loop and Canyon Rim trails. We were only here for one day so we tried to pack as much in as possible.

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Day 6/7: Lake Powell

Our next stop was Lake Powell. This year, Utah and Arizona were experiencing record high heat so Lake Powell was way below their usual water levels. We had scheduled a boat tour but they had to cancel because the water was too shallow for them to drive through. Instead, we rented kayaks and kayaked in to the Antelope Canyon. It was a ton of fun, but incredibly hard paddling back against the wind. We felt a huge sense of accomplishment when it was over and treated ourselves to some ice cream after that intense workout! There are some beautiful restaurants on the water too so it was nice to take a break from camp food and have something prepared for us.


Day 8: Horseshoe Bend & Grand Canyon

Two must see spots, but wow do they bring out my fear of heights! Be prepared to see tons of people sitting as close to the edge as they can get for the perfect gram shot {sorry I didn’t do that for you guys, I kept a respectful distance}. These are two spots not to be missed!

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Day 9: Vegas

After seven days in an RV, it was nice to get a good shower with some real water pressure! We spent our last night at the Paris hotel, lounging in the pool by the “Eiffel Tower”. We had dinner at Lavo and saw The Mentalist who performed some incredible tricks.


We cannot say enough good things about this trip! It can be challenging, but overall if you’re looking for some adventure this is the perfect way to do it and such a blast.

What’s your favorite kind of vacation?

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