Hi, I’m Jessica

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my daily style and inspiration. Enjoy!

What's New?

What's New?

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What a year it has been.

From Covid, to our engagement to a new puppy, we have had such a crazy year. While parts have been hard, scary and unknown, he truly have been so blessed this past year. I decided to write up a little “life update” for you all as we have just closed out a year of Covid living.

1. We decided to postpone our wedding

Those of you closest to us know that we made the decision in January to postpone our wedding which was supposed to be this summer 2021. Guidelines were still very unknown then and we wanted to ensure that we would be able to celebrate with all of our friends and family safely. It was a tough decision but we are so excited about our knew plan and can’t wait to share more about what we have planned.

2. I started a home organization company

The Curated Home is my newest project and I am loving it! When we were living in NYC I worked for an organization company and came to love it. With Covid we ended up having to shut down for a bit and Mitchell and I moved back home. I decided to try my hand at doing it myself. It is just starting to pick up and I am so excited!

3. Maverick is 1!

Not a huge update but our puppy just turned one and it feels like we’ve had him our whole lives and just got him at the same time. He’s too sweet and we’re so lucky to have him.

4. Getting ready to travel

In lieu of our wedding and honeymoon this year, we are planning a road trip out west for a week. We’re still planning it out but have decided on renting an RV and traveling to some of the national parks out there. My family and I did two RV trips when I was younger and I couldn’t have loved them more. I am so excited for Mitchell to experience that!

What’s new with you guys? Share in the comments!

Dress Weather

Dress Weather

Swimwear I Have My Eye On

Swimwear I Have My Eye On