Hi, I’m Jessica

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my daily style and inspiration. Enjoy!

Meet Maverick!

Meet Maverick!


Meet our new furry friend, Maverick!

I guess you can say, quarantine made us do it. But in all seriousness, had we not been spending so much time at home for quarantine, we would not have this little ball of love.

Throughout quarantine I kept saying, somewhat jokingly, what a perfect time this would be to get a dog. We are home all day, everyday, we would have so much time to train a puppy with our current situation. But the conversation stopped there each time. Then one day I brought it up again and we really started to think about it and look into breeds that we were interested in. After looking into the pros and cons of a few breeds, we settled on searching for Mini Aussiedoodles. We’d searched online for a few days sending messages here and there and there were some good options, but none that made us go “that’s the one”. Then one night we were watching TV (and endlessly refreshing the dog sites we were searching on) when Mitchell suddenly sat up in his seat and started gushing over a puppy he found. We had been looking on this site all day and hadn’t seen him so he couldn’t have been listed for more than 20 minutes before we found him. We immediately reached out to the breeder and heard back from him later that night. By the end of the night we’d made up our minds, this puppy was going to be ours.



Maverick is a Mini Aussiedoodle


I may be a little biased, but he has the best personality. He is curious, loving and fun without being too hyper (most of the time). He lovesss belly rubs too!

Favorite Toys

He loves his hot dog and fries squeaky toys and loves a good session of tug of war.

We’re so excited for all the snuggles and fun times with the puppy ahead!


Summer Wardrobe

Summer Wardrobe

Welcome to the 'Just Home' Series

Welcome to the 'Just Home' Series