Hi, I’m Jessica

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my daily style and inspiration. Enjoy!

Monitoring Your Mental Health During the Coronavirus

Monitoring Your Mental Health During the Coronavirus


This is a new topic for me, but one that is so important especially now.

Last week when I asked what you guys would like to see on my site, many of you wrote in some variation of “self care while quarantined”. We are all dealing with a vast range of emotions everyday. Some days I couldn’t be happier to be home, and try to enjoy the time I have here while I can. When will I ever get this time to relax and spend time with family and loved ones again? But some days I can’t believe I have been doing this for 54 days {yes, fifty. four. days.}. Those days can feel really heavy. It is easy to then start thinking of all the things that you’re missing, or plans you had to cancel and start to feel worse and worse.

It’s important to check in with yourself each day. Be honest about how you are feeling and go easy one yourself. It’s okay to have good days and bad days, especially during times of such uncertainty. Here are some words and activities I’ve found comforting the last few months, starting with these lyrics. Above everything else that’s going on, what’s truly important is your loved ones.

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Allow yourself to deviate from your usual daily schedule

A lot of people find that keeping their regular daily routine helps them stay sane during quarantine. While that may work for some, it may not work for you and that’s okay. Maybe you don’t have the motivation to work out, or you can’t seem to do that reading time you usually do. That’s okay. I have been sleeping MUCH later than I usually do. I usually don’t like sleeping in because I feel like I’ve wasted the day. These days I’m allowing myself a little extra sleep and trying not to feel guilty about it.


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Get moving a few days a week

I find that exercise makes me feel much better most days. If you don’t have the motivation for a full workout, try going for a walk or doing a short yoga series. If you do have the energy for a full workout, there are plenty of people offering free, no equipment workout classes all over instagram!


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Allow yourself a treat

I usually try to eat healthy in my day to day life. While it’s still important for me to try to do so, I have also been baking more, ordering in and having dinners with both of our families that we don’t have so often when we’re not here. While all of this may not be the most healthy, don’t beat yourself up if you’re in the same boat. Baking, or dinners with family can be comforting, especially now.


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Check things off your list

Make a list of things you’ve wanted to do, watch, or listen to when you had the time. I have a whole list of podcasts I want to catch up on, movies I want to see and creative things I’d like learn for my website. It’s nice to have things I feel the “need” to do.

Get Creative

Get Creative

Shopping the Sales While Staying at Home

Shopping the Sales While Staying at Home