Hi, I’m Jessica

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my daily style and inspiration. Enjoy!

Bright and Early

Bright and Early


I have noticed a very big shift in my sleeping pattern these past few weeks.

The weather’s gotten warmer, and the days longer. We have been leaving the shades open and waking up to the sun around 8:00. I usually like to be up early, but at the beginning of quarantine I felt so tired, sleeping until almost 11:00 some mornings. This shift to getting up even early than I used to is a welcomed change.

Spending the morning outside, with a cup of tea and a good book is the perfect way to start the day!

How do you like to get your day started?

Welcome to the 'Just Home' Series

Welcome to the 'Just Home' Series

Swimsuit Inspiration {Summer 2020}

Swimsuit Inspiration {Summer 2020}