Hi, I’m Jessica

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my daily style and inspiration. Enjoy!

Mixing Up Your Quarantine Outfits

Mixing Up Your Quarantine Outfits


When we decided to come home for quarantine, I thought we would be home for one week, two max.

I threw a couple of sweaters, some t-shirts and whatever was in the laundry I was bring home into the car thinking I’d be back soon enough. Well I’ve been here for four and a half weeks with no end to this quarantine in sight. Now that I’ve re-worn all of the clothes I packed four times and then some, I am trying each day to figure out new ways to wear the same clothes so I don’t loose all of my outfit inspiration.

1. New Ways to Layer

I’ve worn the same cream sweater about 15 times in the last four weeks. So yesterday when I was getting dressed in the same outfit I’d worn the last few weeks, I decided to wear the sweater a little differently. Instead of wearing it like a regular sweater, throw it on as a shall. It adds dimension to your outfit in a way that you wouldn't have had otherwise.

2. Monochrome Look

Jeans and a white tee are a classic option, especially during quarantine when you don’t need to dress up. But if you’re looking to switch it up, go for a cream pant to have the monochrome look that everyone loves for spring.

3. Switch Up Your Accessories

Being home is the perfect time to play with your style because if you hate it, nobody has to see. So take this time to try out new accessories you’ve been eyeing. I usually wear my favorite pair of wire sunglasses, but the other week I ordered these oversized ones and I love them. It’s nice to have another pair to go to when I want to switch it up.

Skincare and Makeup Products I Swear By

Skincare and Makeup Products I Swear By

Quarantine Style

Quarantine Style