Hi, I’m Jessica

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We're Engaged!

We're Engaged!


Even as I start writing this a week later, I still can’t believe it.

Mitchell and I have been together for almost eight years so I always knew this would come, but it is still so unreal to be writing this all down. The last week has been so much fun celebrating and getting to spend time with our families. We had left the city a week before we got engaged to come home and quarantine and wow I had no idea what had been planned! Thank you to everyone for all of the sweet messages and well wishes, I’m so excited to be able to tell the story and answer all of the most asked questions.

How Did It Happen?

The best question! We had been home for quarantine for about a week, spending time with our families and running through every Netflix show and movie known to man. On Friday he said he’d had such a long work week and that on Saturday he wanted to get out of the house and go for a drive so we could take some pictures for my blog. Saturday came and my sister was literally pulling me out of bed so she and I could have a “spa day” and do each others nails (little did I know why, I did not catch on at all). We did our nails and watched some TV. I got out of my sweats, for the first time in days, because we were supposed to be taking pictures.

He picked me up and we drove into town to walk by the water and take the pics. Then he told me his brother was playing golf at the country club in town so we’d have to go pick him up in a little bit. Soon after his brother called to say he was ready and we headed over to grab him. We got there and I didn’t see anyone. I asked where his brother was and he said “oh I dont know maybe in the clubhouse” and started getting out of the car. He said come on let’s go as he was getting out of the car, I was confused and said no (oops, in my defense it was cold and I thought we were just looking for his brother). Then he asked again so I figured why not. He started walking me towards a bench at the country club that had been dedicated to my dad after he passed away. He started unzipping his giant winter coat and was wearing a blazer and nice shirt and then I knew right away. We got to the bench and that’s where he asked me. I couldn’t have imagined anything better myself. It was perfect. Then I realized that there was a photographer taking pictures (he knows me well) and I’m so happy I'll have photos of such a special moment.

Afterwards, we called all of our friends and then went to my house where our families were waiting to celebrate with dinner from my favorite restaurant in town. They had decorated while we were gone and were playing music the second we walked in the door. It was so fun to be able to celebrate with them. That night we stayed at the 2 W Lake Bed and Breakfast which was so beautiful. It was the best place to celebrate such a special occasion.


Did You Know?

I had absolutely no idea! I had a good feeling it would happen within a year, but had no idea it would happen when it did. No one was acting suspicious that I could tell and nothing set me off to believe anything out of the ordinary was going on. Little did I know everyone was so on edge around me worried they would mess it up. Even that day everything seemed to have an explanation so nothing tipped me off. It wasn’t until he took his jacket off that I knew what was happening.

The Ring!

For a while anytime I passed a ring account on Instagram Mitchell would have me pull up their page so he could guess which ones I liked (he was always pretty spot on). Then one day when we were shopping in the city he said we should look at rings in person. Other than that, he researched on his own and picked out the perfect ring. He jokes he could be a diamond salesman with all the research he did!


Was He Nervous?

Not that I could tell! And he says that he was just excited and anxious all week to finally do it. With everything going on with the virus, his plans kept being altered based on what was open so I think more than anything he was anxious because of that. But it turned out perfectly.

Are You Excited or Nervous to Plan the Wedding?

I’m very excited to get started planning! We’ve talked about a few things here and there, but I’m definitely excited to set some more concrete plans. Mostly I’m just excited about going through this process with Mitchell and with my friends and family. I am so excited to keep sharing the planning process with you guys!

Thank you for all of the love and well wishes!

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