Hi, I’m Jessica

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my daily style and inspiration. Enjoy!

Keeping Yourself Entertained At Home

Keeping Yourself Entertained At Home


I have been wanting to write this for the last week to help you all, and myself, find ways to make the work from home life more enjoyable.

It has taken me a bit to actually put pen to paper and write this because, to be honest, the current situation we all find ourselves in has really gotten me down. Just last month we were traveling, having friends and family visit, and spending our weekends outside as the temperature continued to rise. I loved my everyday routine.

Like many other people, the news of the Coronavirus in other countries didn’t seem to affect me. I didn’t understand the effect it was having on other countries, I viewed it as nothing more than the flu. Soon, they started to send kids home from study abroad programs and I felt terrible for them, friends that I knew were having to cut their best semester short. Still, I was going about my daily life seemingly unscathed from all of this. And then with the flip of a switch, we were being asked to self quarantine, social distance, and stock up on food and supplies.

It has taken a lot of adjusting, and at times I feel like I’m going crazy inside all day, but my sister and I have made a list of shows and movies to watch and activities to do while we are home.

{Shows To Binge}


-The Outsider

-Fleabag {On my list to watch}

-Love Is Blind {We could all use a little trash TV right now}


-The Good Place {On my list to watch}

-The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann {Started this one, very fascinating}

{Movies to Watch}

-Frozen 2 {Thank you Disney for releasing it early}

-The Irishman


-Knives Out

-Ford Vs. Ferrari

-Bombshell {On my list to watch}

{Activities to Do}

-Re-Organize: This is a great way to feel productive even when you’re stuck inside

-Spa day: We’ve been planning to have an at home spa day, manicures, pedicures, facials, anything we can do to feel better at home


-Board games/Cards

-Look through old photos or home videos, take a trip down memory lane!

I am also not someone who usually sleeps in late. Even on the weekends I like to know when I’ll be getting up and getting my day started. But this has given me a pass to sleep in, rest and recharge. Don’t feel guilty if you do the same!

What are you doing at home?

Sales to Shop from Your Couch

Sales to Shop from Your Couch

Sunday Look

Sunday Look