Hi, I’m Jessica

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my daily style and inspiration. Enjoy!

The Best and Worst of 2020

The Best and Worst of 2020


It has been a year that none of us expected.

With some very high highs and definitely some low lows, it has been a rollercoaster of a year. I am back here, a year later, rounding up the best and worst of my content from this past year. I loved doing this last year and think that especially this year, it’s a lighthearted way to look back on the year. So let’s get started!



Most Liked Photo

I’m biased, but this was definitely my favorite too! In the middle of so much unknown in March, we got engaged. It was the most amazing day I could have ever imagined. I couldn't wait to share with everyone and loved the way this photo turned out. Maybe I’ll take another one when we add the wedding band?

Least Liked Photo

I always love throwing some detail shots onto my page to break up the outfit photos. I took this one after we moved into the new apartment. Detail shots never preform as well so one of my goals this year is to really get creative with them!


Top Blog Post

This post was by far the most successful of the year. The engagement was through the roof and the feedback I got on it put a smile on my face. I’m so glad to have been able to help you guys shop for your family and friends this holiday season. I can’t wait to help you again next year!

Least Read Blog Post

This was just one of my simple outfit posts where I give you a little snippet of my day with the details to shop my outfit. It still had some engagement, but not nearly as much as my shopping guides.


Best Vacation Photo

This was my top vacation photo posted this year (although it is a photo from 2019). Not much traveling this year so we had to resort to some old vacation photos to fulfill our wanderlust.

Favorite Outfit of the Year

This was your favorite outfit of the year and I can’t disagree. I love this jacket so much and couldn’t wait to wear it when we headed to the Adirondacks.

Podcasts to Listen to in {2021}

Podcasts to Listen to in {2021}

Holiday Gift Guide 2020

Holiday Gift Guide 2020