Hi, I’m Jessica

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my daily style and inspiration. Enjoy!

Deep Breaths...

Deep Breaths...


What an incredibly anxious, unsettling, yet hopeful few days we have been living through.

While it doesn’t seem like there will be and end in site, we will live through this monumental moment and hopefully have more answers soon. Remember to take deep breaths, stay positive and check in with yourself. Here are a few things I have found helpful for myself or have seen others doing to de-stress during these times.

What are you doing to de-stress? Leave a comment below so we can all unwind together!

Treat yourself to your favorite Starbucks/Dunkin order (Mine-Venti Green Iced Tea Unsweetened and a pack of their chocolate covered almonds…Yum!)

Try out apps like the Calm appear Headspace to try a few minutes of guided meditation

Exercise! While it may not always be fun in the moment, getting a good sweat always makes me feel more accomplished that day and I never regret getting a good workout in

On the flip side of that, let yourself have the treat you’re eyeing (chocolate chips in popcorn is my go-to)

Take time away from the news to watch something else. It’s easy to overload on all of the information that is being thrown at us. It’s important to continue to stay informed, this is a huge deal after all, but when you notice it starting to get to you, take a break. We’ve made this week (maybe next week too) a Matthew McConaughey Movie Marathon. He is in two of our all time favorite movies (Interstellar and The Gentlemen) so it only made sense

I hope these help you de-stress as much as they have helped me!

50 Gifts Under $50

50 Gifts Under $50

Holiday Decorating Inspiration

Holiday Decorating Inspiration