Hi, I’m Jessica

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my daily style and inspiration. Enjoy!

2020 Resolutions

2020 Resolutions


The start of the new year means it’s time to reflect on the last year, and set my intentions for the year ahead.

I’ve taken the first two weeks of the year to see what I want to improve upon in the new year. It has been a really productive time of reflection and I’ve chosen a few areas of myself and my life that I’m very excited to work on.

1. Eat Healthier

I’ve gone through so many phases of how I eat. I used to be someone that ate super unhealthy and hated healthy foods. After a while I realized how awful it made me felt and did a complete 180º and started eating incredibly healthy and did a round of Whole 30. Lately with so much going on, trying new restaurants I’ve never been to and spending time with friends now that we’re all living in the same place, it’s been hard to eat as healthy as I’d like. This year I’d like to find a way to implement the healthy eating and still have some of the splurges I love to have.

2. Meditate

I tried this last year when I was having trouble sleeping and loved it. I fell out of the habit but definitely want to try to do at least a five minute session each morning.

3. Wake Up Earlier

This goes hand in hand with my goal of meditating. I love the feeling of getting up early and working out, meditating and doing my skin care routine, but I can rarely drag myself out of bed in time to do it. Waking up earlier, and for that matter going to bed earlier, is a big goal of mine this year.

4. Continue to Learn About Website Design

I’ve been looking a lot into coding and how to make my website the best it can be and I’m going to continue to do so in the new year.

5. Practice More Self Love

It’s so easy to get down on myself if i’m stuck in a creative rut or I don’t like a picture someone took of me, so I definitely want to get better about not being so hard on myself.

What are your 2020 resolutions?

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