Hi, I’m Jessica

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my daily style and inspiration. Enjoy!

Friday Favorites: Summer Activities

Friday Favorites: Summer Activities

I am a big winter person. I love skiing, Christmas and all the layers I can wear at one time.

But I can’t deny that when the warm weather inevitably hits, I have a lot of activities that I can’t wait to start doing again. This last week has been such nice weather that just being outside has been nice. Here are a few more activities that I love to do during the summer.

1. Going for Walks

This one is so simple and costs no money at all. It is something that my family and I have done almost every night for as many summers as I can remember. Now that I’m in Hoboken, it’s so nice to be able to walk by the water and take in the views of the city.

2. Farmer’s Markets

As I showed the other day, I was so excited to get out to the farmers market in Union Square. Even if you don’t buy a lot, it’s nice to go get a snack and walk around for a bit.

3. Vacations

This is another thing that I have been fortunate enough to do every summer for as long as I can remember. My family has always done a big summer vacation. We’ve done RV trips, European trips and everything in between. I’m so excited for our vacation this summer.

4. Mini-Golf

I get s u p e r competitive about mini-golf, though I usually lose to my boyfriend. I think this summer is my year to shine.

5. Picking-Berries

I usually pick way more than I could ever eat, but it’s fun to pick them and maybe bake something with them later!

What do you do in the summer?

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