Hi, I’m Jessica

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my daily style and inspiration. Enjoy!

My List of Jewelry Essentials

My List of Jewelry Essentials


Almost all of my jewelry holds a special place in my heart.

I love that my pieces have meaning, so when I look at them I am reminded of why I have it. This ring I bought on my trip to Greece last summer from a local jeweler on the island that my great grandfather was from. Every time I look at it I’m reminded of how incredible it was to explore an island that helped create my family.

There are certain things that I always make sure to have in my jewelry box for any occasion.

Statement Ring

Again, this ring in my photo is what I’m talking about. It’s big and different and is not something that I wear with everything. It adds a different element to my look and can be worn with a casual look or for a night out. I consider this an essential. It automatically elevates your look.

Here are a couple of my favs.


Hoop Earrings

I’m not talking about giant hoops, but I nice pair of small hoops are another great way to elevate even the most basic jeans and tee look.


An Everyday Necklace

I have two necklaces that I wear every single day. I sleep with them, workout with them, everything. I love having something that is unique to my look. No one else is wearing this combination and it’s almost like my “thing”. It’s something that will always be part of my looks. I love having that.


Simple Studs

I again have a pair of diamond studs that I wear every day. They go with everything and are so simple and chic. I can change them out for a dangly pair or hoops any time, but most days these are what I’m wearing.


Simple Bracelets

I used to wear tons of chunky bracelets that took up my entire wrist. But now I’m more into the simple look of one or two dainty bracelets. I think they make your outfit look way more put together than a wrist full of chunky bracelets.


What are your favorite pieces of jewelry?

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