Hi, I’m Jessica

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my daily style and inspiration. Enjoy!

Rainy Day Activities

Rainy Day Activities


I am not a rainy day person.

I get stir crazy sitting inside all day. Keeping busy and doing fun activities are what I love to do. I love to grab an iced-tea and go for a walk by the water, or to walk around the city and go shopping. But the rain eliminates my favorite activities. So here are a few things I do to keep myself occupied during those dreary, rainy days.

1. Reading

I have gotten much more into reading since commuting into the city. I read on my train ride to and from school and love getting lost in the story during that time. So when it’s raining and I can’t get outside, I’ll pick up a good book and dissolve into the story for a few hours.

2. Spa Day

While a day at a real spa may not be affordable every single time there’s rain, you can easily treat yourself to an at home spa day. Pull out your favorite skincare products, nail-polishes and diffusers and you have a pretty great at home spa day.

3. Pinterest

I love scrolling through Pinterest for inspiration everyday, but especially on rainy days. There is something about rainy days that puts me in a funk so looking at inspiration keeps me motivated and excited to try new things.

4. Shopping

Let’s be honest, I love shopping any day, but shopping on rainy days gets you out of the house. Head to the mall and pick out some bright clothes to stand out on the gloomy days.

5. Movies

A tried and true rainy day activity. Play all your favorite movies or head to the theater and see something new.

What are your favorite rainy day activities?

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