Hi, I’m Jessica

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my daily style and inspiration. Enjoy!

Morning Routine

Morning Routine


Who else is horrible at waking up in the morning?

I quite literally have to force myself out of bed almost every morning. I know that once I’m up and moving, I’ll feel great. Even still, I tend to lay in bed until the last possible second which is not the best way to start my day. So instead of waking up annoyed each morning that I’m running late, I’ve tried to be vigilant about sticking to a morning routine that gets me excited to get up.

Once I’m up I’ll turn on my kettle to heat up some water for a hot tea. While that’s brewing, I do my morning skincare routine. Nothing wakes you up more than a splash of water on the face. I truly love my skincare routine. It’s like a small spa treatment. After this, I have my tea while I pick out my outfit (if I haven’t already done so the night before) and start getting dressed for the day. Hair and makeup quickly follow while I play an episode of whatever show I’m watching at the moment (right now it’s Jane the Virgin). After I’m done with all of that, my morning outfit pic for Instagram! I get my bag together and then I’m out the door. So far, I’m liking this routine and trying to get better about waking up on the first alarm (but if you know me you know that will never happen).

What’s your morning routine?

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