Hi, I’m Jessica

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my daily style and inspiration. Enjoy!

Habits to Incorporate Into Your Daily Life

Habits to Incorporate Into Your Daily Life


There are small things I do each day to keep me healthy, happy and relaxed.

My daily activities take almost no time at all, and the time they do take up I really enjoy. These are some things you can add to your daily routine in order to keep your mind at ease and incorporate a little bit more ‘me time’ into your day.

1. Journaling

This is the third year in a row that I have been journaling each day. My New Years Resolution for 2017 was to write down one fun thing I had done each day. I quickly turned that into journaling about everything I did each day, the good, bad and indifferent, so that I would have a full picture of what I did each year. I try to take a few minutes each night to write about that day, and if I miss a day I will fill it in the next day. It’s a great way to wind down from the day and reflect on what’s going on in my life.

2. Create a Skincare Routine

This is another fun one to add into your daily routine. I take five minutes in the morning and again before bed to take care of my skin and give myself a small ‘spa treatment’ to start and end my day. I feel so great afterwards and see a noticeable difference in my skin when I do this. {Checkout my skincare routine here.}


3. Meditate

This has been a really fun one to incorporate into my day. I use the headspace app for their guided meditations and sleep meditations. I have found my sleep is much better when I do that, and I wake up much easier when I spend five minutes meditating instead of scrolling through my phone right away.

4. Dress Well

Okay I know I’m a little biased because I clearly love clothes, but I feel so much better when I love what I’m wearing. I was recently asked if I always dress the way I do in what I post or if it’s just for the photos and honestly I dress like that whether or not I’m planning on having photos taken. I just truly enjoy picking out outfits. So try picking out an outfit you love the night before, and have fun with it!

5. Read a Good Book

I have been replacing a lot of my phone time with reading, especially on my morning commute. It passes the time much better than playing angry birds on my phone. I wrote about some of my favorite books here if you need a good suggestion!

6. Workout

Working out, while sometimes daunting, makes me feel ten times better once I get it done. It gives me an hour to get out of my own head and put my energy into something positive.

What do you add to your daily routine?

Sunday Vision Board {Vol. 2 Week 9}

Sunday Vision Board {Vol. 2 Week 9}

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