Hi, I’m Jessica

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my daily style and inspiration. Enjoy!

Goals for the New Year

Goals for the New Year

We finally made it to 2019!

I feel like 2018 was the longest year ever, anyone else? 2018 was a big year for me as I graduated from Syracuse, made the decision to go to school for one more year at FIT, moved to New Jersey and most importantly, started this blog. I don’t know how to top that, but I am going to try! I have so many goals and resolutions for the year both big and small. I thought I would jot them down here so I can look back in 2020 and see what I was able to do.

1. Expand my following. No set number goal, just continue to grow.

2. Be more confident.

3. Stay more organized. I’ve already organized my planner and saved videos on how to organize closets more efficiently.

4. Finish my program at FIT.

5. Travel to at least one new place.


6. Stick to my goal of monitoring my screen time.

7. Read more.

8. Continue writing in a journal. I started keeping a journal two years ago of at least one fun, exciting or interesting thing I did that day. It evolved into just a daily journal of my life. This will be the third year I’ve done that so I’d like to stay on top of it.

9. Allow myself a self care day every now and then. Whether the be a manicure, haircut, or just staying home and relaxing.

10. Continue to create content I enjoy creating as well as expanding what I’m able to produce.


My Favorite Skincare Products

My Favorite Skincare Products

Starting the Week Off On the Right Foot

Starting the Week Off On the Right Foot