Hi, I’m Jessica

Welcome to my blog. Here I share my daily style and inspiration. Enjoy!

Welcome to My Blog!

Welcome to My Blog!

Wow I can’t believe I’ve finally done this! I have thought about starting a fashion oriented blog for a long time. There was always a “but” standing in my way. I could start one “but” I doubt anyone would follow me, I could start one “but” what would people think?, I could start one “but” who would take my pictures? Over time I realized I didn’t care about the first two reasons so much. I just wanted a creative outlet to share what I love to do. Then, I was lucky enough to have a friend from home who is studying photography in the city. I am so grateful for Leah and I am going to share her instagram account (@leahbphotography) with you all so you can see the other amazing photos that she takes! I can’t thank her enough! I am so excited to have finally done this and I figure the best way to get started is by introducing myself to those who don’t know me with some fun facts about myself. Enjoy!

  1. I actually hate doing fun facts about myself🙈 I can never think of any, I always dreaded the “introduce yourself with a fun fact” question in school. But here I am doing it voluntarily.

  2. I am currently a student at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York for Fashion Business Management.

  3. I originally went to Syracuse University for Photography, then switched my major to Social Work. After four years at SU I decided fashion was something I had to do and decided to go to one more year of school. That’s how I ended up at FIT!

  4. I say my favorite color is blue but lets be honest it’s probably some variation of black or gray, my closet is full of it!

  5. My favorite places to shop: Zara, Mango, Loft, and H&M

  6. I am obsessed with iced tea and chocolate covered almonds from Starbucks…probably bordering on addiction but it could be worse!

  7. I’ve tried to think of my favorite food but can’t decide! A few would be sushi, Italian food and Indian food.

  8. I love to workout but hate running, just ask my sister!

  9. Favorite holiday…Christmas!! Can’t wait to get home for Christmas break and see all of my family.

  10. I love wearing jeans, I pretty much live in them and only wear other pants when absolutely necessary.

Can’t wait to share more about my style and inspiration with you all!

Dressing for Fall

Dressing for Fall